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Summer Camps 2025

*Camper Registration OPENS Tuesday, April 1*

Kids love DiscoveryCamps! Start your summer off right and register your child(ren) for one of our 2025 Summer Camps here at FAC (First Alliance Church). Each camp program is priced separately:

Camps fill up FAST, so be sure to put a reminder in your calendar for April 1Interested in joining the camp crew as a volunteer? We’d love your help! Learn more.

NEW Registration Instructions

All families must have an FAC Realm account to register a child for summer camps 2025.

Have a Realm account?

Great! Please sign in and make sure that all your contact information is current.

Don’t have a Realm account?

No problem! Email us to request an invitation to join Realm, and include your first and last name, and we’ll send you a link to set up your account, where you’ll securely add your name, email, phone number, address, children’s names and birthdates. Once your account is set up, you’ll be able to register for DiscoveryCamps.

To Register (starting April 1): find your preferred camp(s) below or directly in Realm under Events. Questions? We’re here to help! Check the FAQs section or contact us (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm).

FAC Deerfoot Summer Camps

DiscoveryCamps (VBS): July 7-10, 2025

FAC Deerfoot VBS Summer Camps

Welcome to DiscoveryCamps 2025! “Camp Live It Out” combines the fun and adventure of summer day camp with hands-on biblical learning. Every morning campers will be inspired to follow Jesus’ example and discover how to love like Him through faith discoveries, memorable music, and epic adventures!

Preschool DiscoveryCamp | $70/child includes t-shirt
Location: FAC Deerfoot (12345 40 Street SE)
Ages: Kids born in 2020 or 2021
Time: 9:00 am-12:15 pm

Register Starting April 1

Grade School DiscoveryCamp | $70/child includes t-shirt
Location: FAC Deerfoot (12345 40 Street SE)
Ages: Kids entering grades 1-4 in September 2025
Time: 9:00 am-12:15 pm

Register Starting April 1

Sewing Camp: July 7-10, 2025

Sewing Camp 2025

Come to Sewing Camp and create! Over the course of this day camp, kids will have a chance to create 3 fun and useful projects, while learning how to operate a sewing machine throughout the week. A Bible lesson and prayer are an essential part of each morning.

Sewing Camp | $90/child (includes t-shirt & sewing supplies)
Location: FAC Deerfoot (12345 40 Street SE)
Ages: Kids entering grades 5-7 in September 2025
Time: 9:00 am-12:15 pm

Each camper must provide their own sewing machine. Please confirm that you have the pressure foot, bobbins, power cord, foot pedal, zipper foot, extra needles (if your machine takes special ones), and instruction manual (if you have it). Material for the projects and other supplies will be provided.

Register Starting April 1

Elevate Music Video Camp: July 14-18, 2025

Music-loving kids will love this 5 day, in-person Music Video Camp! They’ll have tons of fun every morning helping to create a choral recording and choreographed music video for a brand new FAC Music original worship song written just for Elevate Kids!

Music Video Camp | $125/child includes t-shirt
Location: FAC Deerfoot (12345 40 Street SE)
Ages: kids entering Grades 5-8 in September 2025
Time: 9:00 am-12:15 pm

Elevate Kids Choir is an auditioned choir, and students must successfully pass a vocal audition in order to participate in this Music Video Camp; more information about auditions will be included in the  camp registration starting April 1. NOTE: No audition is required if you have previously been a member of the Elevate Kids Choir.

Register Starting April 1

FAC Southwest Summer Camp

DiscoveryCamps (VBS): August 11-5, 2025

VBS Summer Camp 2024 FAC Southwest

Welcome to DiscoveryCamp 2025 at FAC Southwest! “Camp Live It Out” combines the fun and adventure of summer day camp with hands-on biblical learning. Every morning campers will be inspired to follow Jesus’ example and discover how to love like Him through faith discoveries, memorable music, and epic adventures!

Preschool DiscoveryCamp | $70/child includes t-shirt
Location: FAC Southwest, 16520 24 Street SW (Glenmore Christian Academy)
Ages: Kids born in 2020 or 2021
Time: 9:00 am-12:15 pm (morning ONLY)

Preschool Campers will need to pack snacks and drinks for each morning. Please bring appropriate clothing to be outdoors.

Register Starting April 1

Grade School DiscoveryCamp | $150/child includes t-shirt
Location: FAC Deerfoot (12345 40 Street SE)
Ages: Kids entering grades 1-6 in September 2025
Time: 8:30 am-3:45 pm (full day)*

*Grade School DiscoveryCamp at FAC Southwest is a FULL DAY outdoor adventure camp. Kids will participate in songs, games, crafts, sports, Bible story time, and large group activities throughout the day. Kids and volunteers need to pack lunch, snacks, and drinks for the day and bring appropriate clothing to be outdoors all day. In inclement weather, we will use indoor space.

Register Starting April 1

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I register my child for DiscoveryCamps?
You can register online starting April 1, 2025 through your Realm account. If you need assistance with your registration, please contact us.

How can I pay for my child’s camp registration?
We accept Visa or MasterCard when registering through Realm. If you need to pay by cash, please contact us.

I have several kids. Can I pay for all of them on one credit card transaction?
Yes. When registering through Realm, select each child from your household that you would like to register for camp. You must enter in all the required information for each child during the registration process. Note: If some of the camps you are registering for are on different registrations, each separate registration will need to be paid for individually.

Can I register a child for camp if I am not the child’s parent or legal guardian?
No. Only a parent or legal guardian may complete the registration. We must have the parent’s consent on the medical and photo release.

I have a child with diverse needs. Can they participate in camp?*
We do our best to accommodate children with diverse needs by pairing them with a “1-on-1” volunteer. Please contact us when you register to clarify the type of assistance your child will require.

Can my child be in a group with their friends?*
Each child may request one friend to be placed in the same group as them. Friends must be close in age. Although we cannot guarantee friend requests, we do our best to accommodate them.

Are there scholarships?*
A limited number of scholarships are available. For more information please contact us.

How do I know if I did online registration correctly?
Upon successful completion of the registration form, a confirmation email will be sent to the email you entered.

How can I change my information if I have already registered?
If you need to make changes to any part of your registration, please contact us.

What if I need to cancel my camp registration for my child?
Please contact us prior to June 13 and we will issue a full refund via the method of the original payment.

What if my child wants to change groups during camp?*
Parents can request that their child be moved to another group by speaking to a DiscoveryLand Staff member. Although we cannot guarantee that we can change the group your child has been assigned to, we do our best to accommodate them.

What should my child wear or bring to camp and what should we expect on the first day?*
Please make sure your child wears comfortable clothes and shoes, brings a water bottle, small snack, a light jacket, and wears sunscreen and bug spray each day of camp. When your child checks-in on the first day of camp, they will receive a nametag, t-shirt, and their group assignment.

*Note: not applicable for Elevate Music Video Camp.