DiscoveryLand Preschool
Welcome! DiscoveryLand Preschool provides a safe and fun place for your little ones to connect, grow, and play with trained, screened volunteer leaders year-round as we learn about God together during weekend services. For ages 3+, our time together includes lots of open play as well as a video-based Bible story, worship song, and craft.
Coming for the first time? Awesome! Learn about our secure check-in process and health and safety policies and what to expect when you join us. We can’t wait to meet you!
What are we learning this month?
January Theme: Rain or Shine
Key Question: Who is always a good friend?
Bottom Line: Jesus is always a good friend.
Overview: Have you ever seen a bunch of Preschoolers jumping in rain puddles? So many giggles! So much excitement! And do you know that feeling you get when you step outside and feel the sunshine on your face for the first time in a week? Pure happiness! Our Preschoolers experience a wide range of emotions every day. They feel sad, happy, afraid, nervous, and sometimes all at the same hour!
Our Preschoolers will grow up and experience a lot of different situations and emotions. We want children to know that Jesus is a friend that loves them at ALL times. A friend that will never leave them. That’s why, this month, we are talking about THE best friend-the One who is ALWAYS a good friend. Rain or shine, Jesus is always a good friend of mine!
Memory Verse:
“A friend loves you all the time.” Proverbs 17:17 NCV
Giving Back
We believe it’s important for kids to know the importance of generosity and to offer a part of what we have back to God as a thank-you for all He’s given us! That’s why we have seasonal offering projects that kids can give towards that fund, sharing hope and practical support with other kids and families in our community and around the world.
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