DiscoveryLand Preschool
Welcome! DiscoveryLand Preschool provides a safe and fun place for your little ones to connect, grow, and play with trained, screened volunteer leaders year-round as we learn about God together during weekend services. For ages 3+, our time together includes lots of open play as well as a video-based Bible story, worship song, and craft.
Coming for the first time? Awesome! Learn about our secure check-in process and health and safety policies and what to expect when you join us. We can’t wait to meet you!
Easter in DiscoveryLand
- Good Friday (April 18): 11:15 am service only at Deerfoot & Southwest; infants-Kindergarten classrooms will be open at FAC Deerfoot; all children will join the main service at FAC Southwest.
- Easter (April 19/20): Regular weekend service times; full DiscoveryLand will be offered at FAC Deerfoot; all children will join the main service at FAC Southwest.
What are we learning this month?
March Theme: Watch This!
Key Question: Who can do anything?
Bottom Line: Jesus can do anything!
Overview: One common phrase children repeat is, “Watch this!” They want us to watch their spins and cartwheels, their dance routines, and what their toys can do. It’s fun to pretend to be amazed and say, “Wow,” no matter what it is.
This month we are teaching our Preschoolers to watch the One who can do anything. The One who has shown that the power of the Lord is with Him. Who is this One? Jesus, of course! Yes, this month is all about Jesus and how Jesus can do anything!
Memory Verse:
“And the power of the Lord was with Jesus.” Luke 5:17 NIV
Giving Back
We believe it’s important for kids to know the importance of generosity and to offer a part of what we have back to God as a thank-you for all He’s given us! That’s why we have seasonal offering projects that kids can give towards that fund, sharing hope and practical support with other kids and families in our community and around the world.
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- “Time with Your Kids: Making the Most of It” blog post by Pastor Crystal