Fall Kick-Off Party is Sept. 7/8!

Mental Health Ministry

Renewing Hope is a peer support group for anyone learning to manage their mental health and wanting to develop spiritual habits to support their journey. During this 14-week course, you’ll discover tools and habits to support your spiritual and mental health through a variety of topics designed to support mental wellness, including:

  • Allowing the Holy Spirit to transform your negative self-talk
  • Discovering your identity in Christ
  • Biblical friendships
  • Spiritual self-care
  • Grief
  • Shame
  • Boundaries … and more

Each session is led by facilitators who have learned to journey through their own health using the same spiritual tools and habits and want to journey with others toward effective biblical mental health practices through sharing, readings, videos, reflection, and homework for those who want to dig deeper.

 We recognize individuals living with mental health are all at different places in managing their mental health. Renewing Hope is not designed or equipped to provide therapeutic support to individuals actively in crisis. It does not replace professional therapy or counselling.

Renewing Hope is for you if …

  • You want to learn effective, biblical coping strategies to better manage your mental health.
  • You want to remove stigma and shame from your mental health struggle.
  • You want to learn how to set boundaries that protect your mental wellness.
  • You want to feel accepted and understood in your mental health journey.

Fall 2024 Session

Starting October 21, 2024
Mondays, 7:00-9:00 pm
Room 248 (upstairs), FAC Deerfoot
Cost: $20 (includes workbook)
Please watch for registration to open closer to the start date.

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Also available for your mental health …


I appreciated the curriculum, the tone of the group, the support and the people.

- Kara (Renewing Hope participant)