Fall Kick-Off Party is Sept. 7/8!

The Christmas season is almost upon us and we have so many ways for you to be involved! The Giving Wall will be on Mainstreet, where you are able to take a tile off the wall and provide for a family. Gift items include needed items for men who are enrolled in the Teen Challenge program, providing groceries for a family in need, or giving to the Care Fund which helps us support people throughout the year. The Giving Wall will open on Saturday, November 13th and will remain until Sunday December 5th. The last day to drop off items will be Sunday, December 12th. We would love to see everyone showing the love of Jesus to others this Christmas season!

Here is what you do: 1. Pick a tile from the Christmas Giving Wall and add it to your shopping list. 2. Shop for the needed items. 3. Tape the tile to the gift item and return to the bins at the Christmas Giving Wall by December 12.