Celebrate Easter at FAC! Learn more.

Want a more dynamic marriage?

Learn to make your marriage a priority in this 9-week class. As a couple, gain tools to transform every aspect of your marriage so you can sustain a fulfilling relationship that grows stronger with time.

Through study, application, interaction, and accountability, you will:

  • discover each other’s innermost emotional needs and expectations
  • learn to better communicate and demonstrate your love for each other
  • develop ways to deepen your intimacy and keep your marriage fresh and exciting

Please contact us to ask about the next course dates through FAC.

As part of The Calgary Marriage Network, we’re also happy to let you know when this class is being offered at another partnering church when this class becomes full or has ended for the season.

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Dynamic Marriage helped us to uncover truths about each other and our relationship that might have taken years to uncover.

Lise & Leo