Celebrate Easter at FAC! Learn more.

Ask anything at Alpha!

Alpha is a series of interactive evening sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith offered through FAC. It provides a friendly, open environment for anyone curious. No question is off-limits, and it’s free. Invite a friend or coworker to join you! It’s a safe space to introduce someone you know to Jesus and explore what the Bible is all about.

“We had a lot of my questions about Jesus, faith, FAC family, my purpose in life, and where to find the answers to these questions, and it really helped my wife Victoria find her way to Jesus.” – Brian, Fall 2022 participant

What can I expect at Alpha?

  • Talks/Videos are designed to be engaging and inspire conversation. Usually around 30 minutes long, they explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”
  • Discussion: Probably the most important part is the chance to share thoughts and ideas without being corrected or judged. There’s no obligation to say anything; it’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective.

Alpha Course: Fall 2025

Watch for more information closer to September for the next Alpha dates and registration!

“Tihomir and I enjoyed everything about the course. We’re very grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this beautiful group. The Lord took care of us and even showed us the way to follow in God’s teachings.” – Cynara Regadas Rocha, Fall 2022 participant

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For me, this course was full of what I can only describe as profound revelations, both spiritual and intellectual. I learned more about being a Christian in those dozen sessions than I had in the entire previous 6 months of my own directionless self-study ... it left me with a solid foundation of understanding ... as well as a significantly increased sense of trust and faith in our wonderful Creator.

- James, Alpha participant