Celebrate Easter at FAC! Learn more.

There are people at FAC who are committed to praying for you. To submit a new prayer request on our Prayer Wall, click the “Share Your Prayer Request” button. As you pray for the needs of others on the wall, click the “I prayed for this” button.

If you would like to share your request privately via the PrayerNet, click here.

Submit a request and explore opportunities to pray at FAC in solitude or in community with others.

Prayer Wall

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


i pray God should bring my partner back home we had a little misunderstanding now she is trying to manipulate me with it and use it to be extracting money from me this is the person i helped to clear all her debt when she was oweing people and people where threathen her life now she see me as a bad person now she is using the police to threathen me and extort money from me i am been reaped off from the help i helper her now she is going to the river to seek power from the water kingdom i need se

Received: February 10, 2025

Powered by Prayer Engine


When submitting a public prayer request you are giving consent for the church to post information online. We have the right to edit content for readability, length, or privacy concerns.

Although prayer requests may be submitted at any time, they are processed during normal office hours and posted upon review. If you require immediate assistance, please contact the church office at 403-252-7572 and ask for a pastor.