Explore your next steps for finding community, getting the care you need, becoming more like Jesus, or learning more about prayer, baptism, and membership at FAC.
Celebrate Easter at FAC! Learn more.
Explore your next steps for finding community, getting the care you need, becoming more like Jesus, or learning more about prayer, baptism, and membership at FAC.
We offer live service translations, English classes, and other resources to help as you settle in.
WelcomeLet's do life together! Find community at FAC through small groups and ministry programs ...
Explore opportunities to grow and become more like Jesus.
Prayer is about having a conversation with God. Submit prayer requests, pray for others, explore opportunities to pray in solitude or in community, and learn about prayer-focused events at FAC …
Explore ClassesDiscover opportunities to grow in your understanding of the Bible, Christianity, and who Jesus is with others at FAC.
Explore ClassesDating, engaged, newlywed, or looking for marriage support? Explore classes at FAC offered through the Calgary Marriage Network.
Explore ClassesJourney towards financial freedom through understanding and applying God’s principles for everyday life and personal finances.
Explore ClassesBaptism is publicly showing others that you've committed to following Jesus Christ. Ready to get baptized? We want to make it easy for you to take this step!
Learn more about baptismIf you're a follower of Jesus Christ and you consider FAC your church family, why not take the step of membership to say you're "all in"?
Learn more about membershipLet's make a difference in Calgary and around the world, providing for practical needs and sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ.
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