When God Says Wait: The Winsors
Both Andre and I, Holly, grew up as the children of International Workers. Andre’s parents served in Thailand for 16 years while my parents served in Vietnam, where I was born, and then moved to the Philippines, staying there until they retired in the summer of 2000.
Our love story began at a boarding school in Malaysia. We dated in high school for 2 years but when Andre graduated, long distance took its toll, and we broke up. Over the next 13 years, God would cross our paths every 2 to 3 years and our friendship would always pick up where it left off. Eventually, we began dating again and married in the summer of 2000. Many a speech at our wedding began with the phrase “It’s about time!”.
We always knew we wanted to be involved in global ministry. At the age of 12 during summer camp, God called Andre to missions. For me, I just knew I wanted to be involved in ministry whether at home or abroad. When we married, we had no idea how God would fulfill His call on our lives or the crazy, windy road it would take.
In 2009, out of the blue, The Alliance Canada contacted us and wanted to send us to Thailand as Apprentice International workers. We readily accepted and within 6 months touched down in Bangkok with our 12 suitcases and 4 children ages 6 to 1 month. This was it! We were on our way to being full-time international workers or so we thought.
As we ended our apprenticeship contract, Andre and I clearly heard God tell us that we would be serving Him in Thailand and yet our contract was not renewed. We returned to Canada expecting God to take us back to Thailand at any time: and yet, nothing happened. No opportunities were coming our way. The only words we were hearing was “put down roots in Canada and wait”.
I don’t know about you, but waiting is not my forte! We did put down roots. Andre got a job as a youth pastor for a few years and then transitioned into drafting. I was a stay-at-home mom and eventually went back to work part-time at a local grocery store. We volunteered at our local church and waited. 1 year turned into 2 which turned into 10 and still, there was nothing on the horizon just the word of God – “wait”.
Then about 3 years ago, we were contacted again by the Alliance and were asked if we’d be interested in going to Thailand to work with juveniles coming out of prison. We would help the local church set up a school to train these youths and possibly a halfway house. “Yes!” we answered. We thought the process would be fast, but it wasn’t. For some reason, God kept delaying our appointment. I didn’t understand why but each time I’d ask, He would gently say, “My timing, Holly, is perfect. Wait for my timing.”
On May 22, 2024, we got the email appointing us as International Workers and the information that we will be touching down in Thailand sometime during the week of July 22, 2024. These last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind but in the quiet moments, I hear God say, “It’s time. Let’s go!”
As we go, we ask for your prayers. Please pray for
- The people of Thailand. There have been International Workers there for over a hundred years and less than .5% know Jesus.
- For all the details that need to fall into place in the next 5 weeks. It is a bit daunting!
- For our children. 2 will be staying here in Canada while 2 will be joining us. Pray that this transition will be smooth for them as large transitions are hard. Pray for our son, Owen, who just graduated, that he will find a job quickly.
- For a quick grasp of the Thai language. We are in our 50’s having to learn a tonal language. Although we aren’t starting from scratch, it will still be an uphill battle.
We are excited to move back to this land that God put in our hearts 13 years ago. His timing is indeed perfect, and we are excited to see what He has in store!
Thank you Holly and Andre, for sharing how God placed Thailand on your hearts and how you have faithfully waited for His timing! Looking to support the Winsors? Donate and/or sign up for their newsletter!
Discover how you can join Jesus in His work worldwide through FAC: see our upcoming short-term opportunities or support the teams heading out this year by contributing to the Missions Fund.
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