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Joining Jesus: Vision Weekend 2024

Vision Weekend 2024 (November 16/17) is here! A bit different than our regular weekend services, it’s a time for us to refocus, reimagine, and be reminded of our calling as a church family and the powerful ways God is working through FAC. It’s when we come together to explore where Jesus is leading us.

But what does this actually look like, and how can you be a part of it? We spoke with Pastor James to find out more:

On Vision Weekend last year, you presented a fresh direction for us as FAC—“Joining Jesus in the renewal of all things”—along with a pretty big dream as a church (10×10). Could you flesh that out a bit?

“Joining Jesus means discerning His work around us and choosing to participate gladly. This could be through a new campus, supporting a ministry, sponsoring international missions, housing refugees, or helping those experiencing homelessness.”

Can you explain 10×10?

“Last year, we started asking: What could FAC accomplish in ten years? By 2033—the 2,000th anniversary of Jesus’ resurrection—our goal is to establish 10 new expressions of FAC in 10 years. It’s an ambitious vision, and we knew we wouldn’t hit 1 for 1 overnight.

But what do we mean by “expressions”? Imagine FAC having a presence in underserved areas of our city.

What if we could be the first Christian presence in a brand-new community and some of us choose to move house to be the first ones on the ground to welcome everyone else? 

What if some of us could start a lunchtime gathering downtown? What if we launched a language school, or provided after-school care?

What if we could help new Canadians with doing their taxes, learning to drive, setting up medical appointments, or simply welcoming them into our homes?

With about 3,500 people expected this weekend, imagine if each of us discipled just one person per year. In three years, we wouldn’t have enough space for all the services! This 10×10 vision isn’t for its own sake; it’s a marker that calls us into the future intentionally. It’s like signing up for a marathon—you make intentional decisions about training and nutrition along the way. As a church, we want to make the right choices as we join Jesus in His work.

10×10 is also a declaration and faith statement for our future. Some of you are students now, but in a few years, you might be pastoring in a new community. Or you might feel called to an unreached part of Calgary. This dream is within reach. Just six years ago, FAC was only at the Deerfoot location. In the last five years, we’ve launched Southwest, online, Español, and most recently, our Português campus. Now, we hold six in-person gatherings each weekend, plus three online!”

What could joining Jesus look like personally for someone at FAC?

“On a personal level, it’s about listening for Jesus’ call and responding. This might mean a career change (like I experienced) or finding renewed passion in your current role, recognizing that God has you where you are for a purpose. We need Christ-like business leaders, medical professionals, educators, and servers. Faithfulness in these roles is a huge part of joining Jesus, “who, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross.”

What does “the renewal of all things” mean?

“Sometimes we mistakenly think God will destroy the world and start over, but that’s a poor reading of scripture. Jesus said He’s making all things new—not destroying but restoring. He’s bringing the world back to how it was meant to be: no disease, no suffering, no lack of food or shelter. He’s inviting us to work with Him in this renewal. That’s why our work here matters.”

Reflecting on the past ministry year, how have you seen this vision come to life?

“We’ve been focusing on three key areas: Formation, Vocation, and Multiplication.

1. Formation: We’ve introduced a simplified discipleship pathway, including discipleship bands. I’m thrilled at how well this is going so far. But I also know most of us have not yet taken the step to be in a band.  It’s time to move from being spectators to becoming apprentices of Jesus.

2. Vocation: We’re developing a leadership pipeline. Progress has been slower, but we’re partnering with The Alliance Canada to create a nationwide system for leadership development.

3. Multiplication: This year, we added a new skillset—church adoption. Our Portuguese campus has thrived, adding energy and vitality to our church family.

In terms of how God has been moving, we’re seeing youth ministry grow with almost 200 attending weekly, baptisms across all campuses (even in the river!), people coming to faith, powerful stories of healing through prayer, and overall momentum as we continue expanding.”

What are you most excited about for 2025/26?

“I’m looking forward to introducing our new catechism, a foundational discipleship course for joining Jesus. It’s the next big step on our discipleship pathway. I’m also excited to see our leadership development plans take shape, providing new growth opportunities. And, of course, I’m open to being surprised by whatever Jesus calls us to do in the coming year. Are you ready to join Jesus?

As we look to the future, let’s consider how we might be called to join Jesus—whether through helping at FAC, mentorship or simply by welcoming those around us. Together, let’s join Jesus in the renewal of all things: our neighbourhoods, schools, and workplaces!

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