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No Fear In Perfect Love

Trigger warning: suicide, homicide

“So we do not look at what we can see right now, the troubles all around us, but we look forward to the joys in heaven which we have not yet seen. The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 4:18 (TLB)

I have spent most of my life living independently of God. I always believed in God but I actually knew very little about Him. But then, God saved me from myself, 13 years ago, after my 20-year-old son Josh, ended his own life. I had already been wandering in the desert for 36 years, amongst the walking wounded, over the unsolved homicide of my 14-year-old sister Karen.

When God reached down to pull me out of my despair and darkness, little did I know that He would lead me to the road to freedom. God began to pick up the shattered pieces of my life and put me back together. He sent me a healing dream (about Josh and Karen) and gave me peace that surpasses all understanding.

I came to FAC 12 years ago and I gratefully made the decision to get baptized. My life has never been the same and I now no longer live in a prison without bars. I continue to study the Bible and God continues to bless, teach and renew my life. I have learned to leave everything at the cross and to rely on God’s endless mercy, grace, love and faithfulness.

In September 2022, I was told by the doctors, I have terminal lung cancer.

God's love extinguished my fear of cancer.

I immediately utilized and leaned on my faith, through all of the amazing things that God had already done for me thus far in my life. I became so profoundly grateful that God had cured my “spiritual cancer,” and for what Jesus did for me through His death on the cross. I know sin far outweighs a terminal cancer diagnosis!

Only God knows when He will be calling me home. Through my faith, I could see what was happening to me in the light of eternity. God’s unwavering love extinguished my fear.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” 1 John 4:18

Over the past year since my diagnosis, I continue to tell the doctors, just how “good God is!” I have had only two weeks of radiation treatment and no medications. The past three CT scans shows that my tumor continues to shrink without any further treatment.

I have no pain and have had no side effects or radiation burns.

Miraculously, I feel wonderful!

The doctors keep telling me they were not expecting the results they are seeing. Just another glorious opportunity to tell them how good God is and the power of prayer. I keep hoping for the perfect forever that God has promised to all who believe in Him and His son Jesus Christ.

Where would my life be today without Jesus? Where would I be without His love? I am also still hoping that one day soon, the doctors will also tell me how good God is…


Kathy Caughlin is part of our FAC Deerfoot community. We love walking alongside each other in every season of life at FAC. Being admitted to the hospital can be a very difficult and stressful process. If you or your loved one is in the hospital, let us know and we can support you in practical ways! We’re here for you.