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Living a Life for Jesus

Oh, the life found in Jesus! During the January 21/22 weekend, we celebrated baptism together. We got to see and cheer as 21 individuals bravely took this step and declared “I choose to live a life for Jesus!” publicly.

Baptisms remind us of the joy found in the story of Philip and the eunuch in Acts 8:36-39: 

And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.

We love rejoicing over baptism together. Read on to find glimpses into the stories of those who have recently celebrated this step in their faith!


“… in the past living for the world never brought me as much joy, peace or love as living for Jesus has. He has saved me and forgiven me from a life that had no purpose or hope.”


“I want to be baptized because I believe in Jesus for a very long time. When I was sick, I asked God to heal me and one day later I was feeling better.”


“I accepted Jesus through Discoveryland Camp 2022. Jesus makes me brave and a better person. Jesus is always with me, so I can be wise.”


“Jesus healed me of my alcoholism, drug addiction and suicidal ideation without any withdrawals or pain. I now walk every day with the Holy Spirit and Jesus by my side.”


“My initial journey began when I was a teen at a youth group retreat. As an adult, I have attended the Alpha Group and spent time in a bible study group.”


“My life was mundane & I wanted my life to be more joyful, and have more meaning. I received Jesus into my heart at Alpha one night and my life became more joyful and full of meaning.

I feel more love and kindness. I know I have the Lord Jesus with me every minute of the day. It gives me hope each day, month and year. I volunteer with Alpha now. I have met wonderful people, I pray each day. My life is fun and blessed.”


“My life before Jesus was stressful. I came to know Jesus through some people. Knowing Jesus gave me a new perception of the world.”


“My life before Jesus was hard. I came to know Jesus through Evangelism and reading the bible daily. The difference Jesus has made in my life…He makes me road minded.”


“I would often lose touch with God and try to go about life on my own without him … God has been pulling me back to a relationship with him over and over again … I am now completely devoted to Him and am living my life in line with his word, as well as acknowledging my God-given gifts and spiritual calling.”


“Jesus has forgiven me for a life that was un-navigated and wandering, full of too many emotions and not enough love. Accepting Jesus as my Saviour is helping me understand what he asks of me. I can never fill his footsteps but I can surely walk with him.”


“I needed to affirm and publicly commit to following Jesus. It’s a step I’ve never taken but need to in order to heal and grow in my faith journey.”


“Hace 12 años conoci a la mujer de mi vida y ella ha sido una bendicion, pues ha andado con Jesus toda su vida, y el desde hace tiempo El llama a la puerta de mi corazon.

Ahora soy yo el que abre la puerta de mi corazon para que El more en mi, y hoy le entrego mi vida a Dios Padre para glorificarlo y vivir en Cristo Jesus mi salvador.


If you have questions about baptism and what it all means, register for an online Adult Baptism Info Session! Ready to be baptized? Let us know.

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