“In my brokenness, I knew I needed a Saviour.” These are the words of one of the 13 people who were baptized on March 19/20, 2022 at FAC. It’s true – Jesus changes us when we say “yes” to Him! Baptism is a one-time, public way to show others you’ve made that choice to live all for Jesus, and want to build a life that honours God. Here’s how God has changed the lives of those who were just baptized:
“A life filled with sin is not a life worth living. I was born into the Catholic faith as a baby, but I grew away from the church for a very long time. I am now a Christian and, most importantly, a believer. I was attacked because of sin in my life that opened up spiritual doors to the devil and his demons. I accepted Jesus into my life; Jesus is my everything! Without Him, I’d probably be dead as I used to be a drug addict. Jesus has saved my life on many occasions. Praise the Lord. I’ve now fully repented and am ready for my next step. Mark 16:15-18 are my favorite verses because of being demonically bound for so many years; I want to see the captives set free. I know the torment many people are going through, and I want to see my brothers and sisters set free.”
“Jesus saved me at my lowest point and I want everyone to know that He is my Saviour.”
“I accepted Jesus as Lord at Discoveryland Bible Camp in 2019. He has made a difference in that I am not a bully; I am a tough girl. I want to get baptized because I feel it’s right. I love Jeremiah 32:17 because it makes me confident in myself.”
“My life was one of self-destruction, self-hatred, hopelessness, and darkness. I had graduated from university, been diagnosed with a mental illness, and was extremely depressed and suicidal. After asking Jesus into my heart, it was like a 100-pound weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Jesus gave me hope and was the light at the end of the tunnel. I became grateful for my mental health diagnosis because in my brokenness I knew I needed a Saviour to save me from my sins. He showered me with His love that I so desperately tried to receive from my earthly father. He is my Heavenly Father, my best friend, and my husband. Today, I publicly declare my faith. My old life has been buried and my new life has been resurrected with Christ. I am committed to living in unity and service to Jesus and my brothers and sisters in Christ. ‘Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.’ (Romans 12:10).”
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5-6
“I’ve been a Christian since Discoveryland. When I realized I didn’t feel fully connected to God, I felt that I needed to prove to Him that I was ready to follow him throughout my life. I feel like getting baptized tells Jesus, ‘I’m ready to follow you forever!’ At Discoveryland, I gave my life to the Lord and accepted Jesus. Because I am a Christian, I am more humble and considerate. I am now open to learning and being kind to all my neighbours because I know Jesus would. I want to be baptized because I want a closer relationship with Jesus. I want to follow Him and be like Him.”
“I was born into a Christian family, and I’ve been taught about Jesus my whole life. I’ve always had Jesus in my heart, and I can talk to Him like a friend. I want to be baptized because I’m a follower of God, Jesus was baptized first, and the Bible instructs us [to be baptized].”
“Jesus is my best friend and has lived in my heart since I was really little. I’m following Jesus’ example because I love Jesus.”
“I went to church as a kid until I was 5, when my parents decided it was no longer important. As I grew up, I always felt like something was missing in my life. In my late teens, I started attending church, took Alpha, and began following Jesus. I depend on Him during life’s ups and downs; I just have never been baptized. I now want to take the public step and be baptized to show what has been in my heart for a very long time. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour.“
“I was raised in a Christian home and came to know Jesus at a very young age. I would say the time I decided to follow Jesus was in Sunday school. Knowing God has instilled in me a purpose that my life is his! I never took the step of being baptized but now is the time. I want to follow what the Bible says about baptism and take this next step. [I want] to live a life that is always God’s purpose. ‘As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God’ (Psalm 42:1).”
“I was born into a Christian family, and I’ve learned about Jesus all of my life. I was in Elementary School at a summer camp, and while we worshipped, I asked Jesus into my heart. I feel freer now to have a conversation with Jesus. I want to be baptized because I want to show everyone that I am a follower of Jesus.“
“I always knew Jesus, but the previous churches I attended didn’t offer adult baptism. I also didn’t know about a personal relationship with God for myself. I was brought up in a Christian home. Adults didn’t stress about baptism. I always went to church and paid my dues, but I didn’t know that personal relationship [with Jesus] in much of my life. I know now God knew me and looked after me. There were many things I wasn’t even aware to thank Him for; I thought of it as luck. He always protected me. Getting baptized is the next step in my life to become closer to Him. My Dad had a little Bible with only this verse in it, and he always made sure anyone he crossed paths with received it. So we were exposed to this verse from a very young age: ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life’ (John 3:16).”
“I grew up in a Christian household and have known Jesus all of my life. I decided to follow Jesus in 2016-2017 when my Grandma passed away. I’m different now because I know I’m actually a Christian. I want to show I’m committed to Jesus; I feel that God is telling me, ‘Now is the time.'”
“I asked Jesus into my life when I was 4 years old. Jesus helps me in many ways and I can talk to Him. Jesus wants me to be baptized. I like the story about when Jesus was born and when He came alive. I didn’t like it when people were mad at Jesus and killed Him.”
Our next baptism weekend will be May 7/8, 2022. Learn more about baptism at FAC at the next adult info session, or let us know you’re ready to take this step!