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I Found My Spot to Serve!

At FAC, we’re all about building lives that honour God. One of the ways we can do that is through volunteering – giving our time, talents, and skills to serve others. Serving also strengthens the fabric of our community. Here are a few people who found their spot to serve!


“I joined the Congregational Care Team last year. I serve people who are unable to leave their homes or require emotional support.

Our team contacts people at home to listen to their concerns and their difficult situations. It’s a privilege to offer comfort and to share how the Heavenly Father is powerful, loving and with them. Before we end, I ask if they’d like me to pray for them. It’s a joy praying with people and asking the Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit for the support they need.

After baptism weekends, we also follow up with those who were just baptized to ask how they’re feeling; it’s an exciting time for people when they’ve just been baptized! I spoke with a gentleman who was so happy and excited that he had taken this step. I felt his joy and of course, we prayed together!

The Congregational Care Team is planning for the fall – we’re starting a Cancer Care program and Dementia Workshop.”


“First Alliance Church is a BIG church. One of the best ways I found to get plugged in was to start volunteering my time. While my daughters were both serving in Grade 5/6, I would find myself dropping them off on a Sunday morning and then heading home. In one of the weekend messages, there was a call for volunteers and the idea of coming to one service and serving at another was heard very loud and clear by me.

So instead of just dropping them off, I started serving on Sunday mornings and loved it. I met so many people week after week. As I continued to find new places to serve, I found and served on initiatives like the tool team and Oil Change Day. I now serve and attend the Celebrate Recovery ministry on a weekly basis and know that God is using me in many ways to walk beside others in our journey of healing for hurts, habits and hang-ups. I get to serve the Lord in so many ways and I feel a great sense of belonging today at FAC.


“In the early fall of 2021, I was made aware of a man named Glen who was in hospice care with cancer. His wife had shared with a mutual acquaintance that her husband was lonely, and would like more visitors. My immediate response was to arrange for a pastoral visit; I spoke with Pastor Ray, who immediately committed to visiting Glen.

But I also felt a prompt in my spirit: ‘Why don’t you visit him?’

I responded to that prompt and began weekly visits with Glen. While my initial introduction was a bit awkward, we soon found areas of common interest. As we became more familiar with each other, I felt led to share some scripture verses that could be meaningful to Glen in his situation. I also prayed with him. Later, Glen would tell me that ‘It helped when you did that.’

After a couple of months, Glen passed away. While I felt sad, I was comforted in knowing he was with Jesus. I also felt affirmation for allowing the Holy Spirit to direct me into the Congregation Care ministry.

Since then I’ve been participating in Congregational Care ministry group activities, learning more about being a caregiver. I’ve also been continuing these visits over a number of months. God has shown me ways to share the blessings He has showered on me – I’m happy to respond to the promptings of His Spirit.”


“Through serving in the Harvest Ministries at FAC, I’ve made friends in this huge church. When I began attending here, in the fall of 2015, I knew only one person, who left after a few months. I felt very alone and knew that I’d have to get involved if I wanted to meet people. Serving regularly in the kitchen has given me a wonderful community!

I appreciate the prayers of the group, the gratitude lovingly shown by Gail and Sterling, and the practical help offered by friends made in the kitchen. I’ve been helping with the lunch and snack bags since the spring of 2020.

Each time we’re together there is prayer, which I love, as I’m reminded why I serve. You just never know how God will use a relationship developed while chopping carrots next to someone. Two ‘Harvest friends’ helped move the Ukrainian families we hosted into their own homes. Another encouraged me to join the Seniors & Friends Wellness Mornings exercise group, which has led to improved health, more friends and another caring community.

FAC is a large church and it can be very lonely, especially if you attend on your own. I encourage you to consider volunteering in the kitchen if you’d like to meet people and make new friends. An added bonus is the delicious food that you’ll get to enjoy! I always feel better after working a shift in the kitchen and leave feeling glad that I did.”

Thank you to Maureen, Erik, Arnold, and Catherine for sharing your stories! Curious about how to serve at FAC? Explore the ministry fair after the weekend services (June 3/4) to discover how you can serve based on your area(s) of interest! Interested in learning more about how you’re shaped to serve? Take the S.H.A.P.E Test and/or contact Cindy Bartlett

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