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How’s Your Band Going?

If you’re not in a discipleship band yet, how about giving it a try? We weren’t made to navigate life’s ups and downs alone. Bands are not about fixing problems or offering advice; it’s about showing up, being real, and creating space for God to work through honest questions, prayer, and shared stories. Think of it as joining Jesus with a few trusted companions, guiding each other through life’s highs and lows. 

Curious about what that could look like? Check out what some band members have to say.

“Our first band meeting is one I will never forget. Unbeknownst to me, my now-husband was working with my bandmates to orchestrate a surprise engagement. Little did he know, we would indeed meet for coffee and discuss our band questions, leaving him waiting in nervous anticipation!

While the excitement of our meetings has calmed over time, the intimacy has deepened. Just recently, we ventured to ask questions four and five: ‘Do you have any sin to confess?’ and ‘Is there anything you desire to keep secret?’ Initially, these questions were met with a long, awkward silence. But then, one of us mustered the courage to speak, and we each shared our struggles.

It was a scary moment. These women were ones with whom I had already built trust, yet I still wondered, ‘Will they judge me? Will they reject me? Can I really trust them with this?’ Ultimately, bringing my sin into the light of Jesus—confessing it not only to Him but also to those committed to walking alongside me—was both freeing and healing. I was reminded that I am forgiven and that I am not alone.


“If you want to feel disconnected, unseen, unknown, and unloved, don’t join a band. Being part of a discipleship band is a sacred and meaningful way to do life with others. Each of us is busy. We’re working moms with teenagers who don’t yet drive on their own, and our weeks are filled with constant activity. We strive to meet in person regularly, but it can be a struggle. Yet, even when we don’t see each other, I know I can reach out, and they will respond—no matter when or what.

Being in a band means committing to trust and vulnerability with two other people. Initially, it can feel uncomfortable because sharing your inner world with the transparency these questions invite is risky. However, I think each of us would agree that the rewards far outweigh the risks. It’s incredible how voicing a struggle or secret aloud can lift the weight they place on my heart and soul. God has spoken to me profoundly through my bandmates as they’ve prayed over me.

The women in my band are my go-to confidantes, both in difficult times and when there are good things to celebrate. We laugh and cry together, forming an ever-deepening bond that is truly a gift. I am so thankful to have them in my life.”


“Our group chat is literally called ‘I’m with the Band,’ and it makes me laugh every time I see it—a little inside joke that only we understand. When Heather first invited me to join her band, I felt flattered and thought, ‘Well, I can sing and play a mean triangle.’ Turns out, it wasn’t that kind of band! But it was so good to be asked and included. Heather explained that we had some simple guidelines and shared five manageable questions we’d ask each other. You can answer as much or as little as you want—it’s more about creating community and growing together in discipleship.

I’m always looking for new ways to grow in faith and stay close to His word, hoping it can reach and heal parts of me that nothing else seems to touch. So, I agreed. At our first meeting, we went through the guidelines and took time to understand the purpose behind each question.

My band is made up of two other women who are absolute pros at this—yes, ‘pro-er’ is a word! They know their Bible, they’re experienced at praying, leading, and doing life together in groups. I’ll admit, it was intimidating. I was nervous, second-guessing myself, all up in my head. But as the space grew safe and welcoming, I began to feel free. Free to listen, to be vulnerable, and to learn from these strong, beautiful women. I hope I can become more like them.

We laugh.

We cry.

We go over time (every time).

We share. We grow. We’re doing life together.

I wish we could meet weekly, but life is busy, and we make it work. And even though it’s not a counselling or therapy session, it feels so good. Good to speak out loud, to pray, to listen to how God leads each of us to pray for one another. I carry those prayers with me through the week, reminded that people care, that God cares. I can’t imagine missing out on something that has filled me up so deeply. Why wouldn’t anyone want to join a band? Who doesn’t want to be held up, just for a moment, lifted in love and faith?”


Each of these stories shows how God works through friendships—lifting us, filling us, and reminding us that we’re never alone. Whether it’s sharing a prayer, asking a hard question, or just being together, discipleship bands create a bond rooted in faith and friendship. So, how’s your band going?

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