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He Makes All Things New!

In Revelation 21, we learn that Jesus makes all things new. And in 2 Corinthians it says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”  One of the ways we get to celebrate this amazing reality is through baptism. He makes all things new and in Him, we are a new creation! Here are some recent baptism stories to celebrate the new life that Jesus brings!


BRENT BAKER – Deerfoot Campus

“Feeling God’s presence is all I ever knew …now I need to move closer…especially in the end times! He was the only thing that made sense and healed me when I reached out to the Lord.

He has kept me safe, guided me when I was alone.”

John 15:18-19

If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you.” If you were of the world. The world would love its own. Yes because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.”


LAARA ZIMERMAN – Deerfoot Campus

“I spent a good deal of my life trying to control the uncontrollable. My life is different now.

I have always been a Christian but never gave it much thought until the last couple of years. As a result of a personal event, I started actively seeking a personal connection with Him and although I was baptized when I was 12, I felt that a reaffirmation was very important to me. This will be a continuation of my journey.

It has given me a peace I have not known before and a safe place to go to.

My favourite Bible passage is Psalm 91. These verses remind me that no matter what, it will be okay.”


KATY LUDVIKSEN – Deerfoot Campus

“My life before Jesus was hard and lonely. I felt like the world was completely against me. I fell into addictions, sexual sin, and I fell apart from my family. I just felt so alone and broken; I did not want to live like that anymore.

I grew up Christian. My family and I went to church. We lived for the Lord but after my parents got divorced, my mom became a single mom and everything fell apart. When we moved to Calgary, I fell into the wrong crowd out of desperation for friends and to fit in. Until about a few months ago, I decided to give up the life I had been living and the worldly desires because I knew Jesus was the only way to true happiness and a fulfilled life. I started to build my relationship with him and learn more about him and his love. 

Jesus has made an impact on my life in so many ways. He has given me hope and strength, even in the hardest of times. He has blessed my family and I with so many miracles and has shown me that He is the way, the truth, and the light. The Lord has helped me to realize that I do not need a thousand friends or a love interest to be happy—He taught me that He is enough. With Jesus, he will guide me and bless me in more ways than I can imagine.

Jeremiah 29:11 

For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the Lord,” plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

This verse has stuck with me my whole life. It shows me that God is always in control—because He knows my life and the things I will do— and it shows me to always have faith and trust in Him, even when things get hard and I feel lost. He is always there to guide me.”


TINA STOKES – Deerfoot Campus

“I have had a lot of time to realize Jesus is the only way and everything is possible through Him. I have been blessed with a miracle only he can provide. I am blessed to be His child.”


HUNTER KLAY – Deerfoot Campus

“The more I learn about Jesus the more interested I become in Jesus. I love the stories in the bible.

The book of Luke I like very much. Especially the story of Mary when she learned that the Lord Jesus was going to be her baby. I also love the story of Jairus’ little daughter brought back to life by Jesus.

The more I understand about Jesus dying on the cross, the more I understand what I need to do in life here on earth. When I follow Jesus, I grow stronger and become more like Him.”

My favourite part of the Bible is Luke 1:30:

Then the angel told her “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. You will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.”


KELVIN NWOYE – Deerfoot Campus

“I have been a Christian my entire life. I was born into a Christian family and attended church with my parents.

My life is different now as I have fruits of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace and kindness.
I want to be baptized to be closer to God and to be able to go to Heaven.”


GRACE MACKINNON – Deerfoot Campus

“When I was five years old, I remember I had broken my leg but by the time of my birthday, it was healed and I knew God had healed me. I asked Jesus to come to live in my heart quietly to myself.

Jesus has protected me from things like being scared of fire alarm practices. He has taught me to be patient and kinder with other people. He has taught me to tell the truth even when it meant I would get in trouble.

I want to be baptized because Jesus commanded it and I want to follow Him.

My favourite verse is John 13:34.”


EZEKIEL ENNS – Deerfoot Campus

“I was born into a Christian family so I have always known Jesus. I attended kid’s ministries as a kid and decided that I wanted to live for Jesus. I can live for Jesus in ways to be respectful of others. I want to take this next step in my faith and show God I trust him. I want to live my life for him. John 3:16 is my favourite verse!”


BROOKLYN ENNS – Deerfoot Campus

“I have always loved Jesus and God! I can trust God and Jesus because I know He’s always with me. I want to be baptized to show everyone that I believe in Jesus. John 3:16 is my favourite verse!”


YVES SANCHEZ – Deerfoot Campus

“I have known Jesus for as long as I can remember. I am thankful to my family who have shown me the way of Christ. He has made a huge impact on my life. He changed the way I see the world and the way I think.

I want to be baptized because I want to follow the example He set and to show I am a follower of Jesus!”


GABBY VIGAND – Deerfoot Campus

“More than 20 years ago, out of love, He chose me and saved me. And today, 20 years later, out of obedience I stand before you, shouting to the world that you are as REAL as the air I breathe. WITH YOU ALL, WITHOUT YOU NOTHING!”


ANEETA JACOB – Deerfoot Campus

“I was brought up in a Christian household; I went through many trials and tribulations. It was only Jesus that was there to wipe my tears when everyone abandoned me.  It was only Jesus that came to me. I want to throw my old life away and start a new chapter. It is now that I see the true love and salvation of God.”


AMBER SCOTT – Deerfoot Campus

“I have been Christian my whole life and was baptized with holy water when I was a teen, but not fully submerged. We regularly attend church at FAC and it has been my home church for 7 years. I want to be fully baptized now to keep growing in faith.”


ADRIANA LARA – Deerfoot Campus

“I thought I had to be good to go to heaven, so I struggled trying to always do the right thing. I became very proud of myself and very selfish. I grew depressed because I felt something was missing. I had a good life and I was considered a good person, but I felt that I was incomplete. 

I joined a prayer group. The person leading the group guided me to accept Jesus and his gift of salvation. I am no longer proud or selfish. I feel joy because I know I am loved. I still fail to trust Jesus with certain areas of my life but I know that I am forgiven.

 John 3:16 and 21:22 are my favourite verses. The first verse is powerful because I know that I am always loved, and I am saved. The second verse is important because it reminds me to keep my eyes on Jesus and not on people. I know that my walk with Jesus is personal.”


ANDRIL RYBKA – Deerfoot Campus

“I came to know Jesus through my wife. She introduced me to Jesus. She had a difficult period in her life and she started going to church, then she called me and I liked it too. One of the working days, I realized that I want to dedicate my life to God. My life has changed with Him.

Jesus changed everything in my life! God completely changed my life. My heart has gained more love and understanding, and my relationship with my wife has improved. The Lord gave us a reward; my wife is pregnant. All my bad habits are gone.

My favourite verses are Matthew 6:9-13 and John 3:18.”


SANDRA SAUTNER – Deerfoot Campus

“I was lost in addiction and I turned to Jesus for help. I have been sober for 24 years. Jesus is wonderful. I want to take the next step to be closer to him. I came to know Jesus through a friend’s pastor. Jesus gave me hope.

My favourite story in the bible is when Jesus took Mary in, as she wept her tears of gratitude fell on his feet and He dried them with her hair.”


LEONARDO TOVAR – Spanish Congregation

“He estado sirviendole al Senor por mucho tiempo ya, y ahora estoy dispuesto a entregarlo too por El.”







ULISES SUAREZ – Spanish Congregation

“Ahora se lo que hizo por nosotros . Dio su vida para perdonar nuestros pecados. 

Lo conocí cuando fui a la iglesia con mi familia.

Ahora conozco mas de Jesus y lo reconozco como nuestro salvador y nuestra guía para la vida.”

 Juan 3:16:

Pues Dios amó tanto al mundo que dioa su único Hijo, para que todo el que crea en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.


Indeed, He is making all things new! Interested in baptism? Contact us! If you would like more information about what baptism is all about, register for the next online Info Session. Do you have children who want to get baptized? Get in touch with someone from Children’s Ministry or Student’s Ministries