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Exciting Days Ahead at FAC Southwest

The Southwest Campus of First Alliance Church opened October 20, 2019. Today, this thriving church community eagerly gathers to worship together and to connect, serve, and care for their neighbours in the surrounding SW Calgary communities. Pastor Jeff Marshall has been the Campus Pastor since the beginning and has cared for this congregation during the pandemic, it’s re-launch and the present.

Our mission is building lives that honour God, and going where God leads us has always been part of our DNA at First Alliance Church. Since the start of FAC Southwest, Pastor Jeff has cared for this congregation and brought a vision for how FAC can continually form and nurture new campuses, congregations, and micro-sites where people can gather and grow in their relationship with Jesus. Now, he steps into the role of Senior Associate Pastor – Campus Operations, bringing continued clarity and leadership to our multi-campus model.

FAC will always be a church that seeks after God and desires to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) in Calgary and around the world. We do this by connecting and sharing Jesus, then giving people opportunities to connect, grow, serve, and share with others in a church community. These communities need places to gather and facilities to use. Sometimes we underestimate or take for granted the impact of clean, safe, and well-equipped facilities has for those looking for a place to connect! As FAC continues to grow, our multi-campus gathering places will continue to have consistent facility standards with Pastor Jeff’s leadership.

Pastor Jeff is familiar with these types of processes as he has previously worked for YMCA before becoming a pastor. As he and Pastor James Paton have worked towards God’s vision of FAC being a multi-campus church, Pastor Jeff was able to utilize his experience to come alongside our teams to expand our reach and provide safe, equipped spaces to gather in. This additional responsibility has also meant that Pastor Jeff could no longer operate in the Southwest Campus Pastor role at its full capacity. Pastor Carter Reimer, who has already invested in the Southwest community, became the natural candidate to take on the role of Southwest Campus Pastor.

Interestingly, Pastor Jeff and Pastor Carter have known each other for many years. Pastor Jeff served at another church in Calgary under Pastor Carter’s dad, who was the Lead Pastor. Jeff was also Carter’s Children’s Pastor as he was growing up! God surprised both of them by placing them together at FAC, and now allowing Jeff to pass the baton to Carter as the Southwest Campus Pastor.


“Although I’m saddened to move out of the Campus Pastor role for FAC Southwest, I trust and know that God’s plan is this transition into the Senior Associate Pastor – Campus Operations role. This role encompasses visits to each of our locations more frequently and supporting our Campus Pastors and teams in fulfilling God’s call for FAC. I’m so eager to be part of all God is doing through Campus Development and the operations of the church!

My wife Krista and I will continue to make FAC Southwest our home campus and support Pastor Carter and his wife Sarah. I have complete confidence in Pastor Carter’s abilities to serve this diverse community and continue to see it thrive for God’s purposes.

As Pastor Carter begins his new role, let’s pray for his success in continuing to build a community that honours God in all they do. Let’s continue to pray that God will show Pastor Carter the needs in the community and that the Southwest Campus will continue to be a place where people know there is help and hope in Jesus regardless of their situation.”


“My family and I are thrilled about this opportunity to serve FAC Southwest. We’ve been a part of FAC since I came on staff in September 2020 when we moved from Burnaby, BC for my role as Community Engagement Pastor and Sarah, my wife, taking on an elementary school teaching contract.

For the past two and half years, I’ve had the privilege of working with the Share team and encouraging FAC to be outside the walls of the church. This included providing food support for low-income families, working with our community partners, serving various schools, as well as many other opportunities.

Throughout the last couple of years, I’ve been able to be back and forth at both campuses, getting to know people, looking for the gifts and passions that God has given them, and then encouraging them in those areas. It’s been a lot of fun to see how God has been moving in the hearts of people and within the communities and families that we have been able to come alongside!

I’ve learned a lot in this community engagement role and working with the Share team. It increased my empathy for people, getting to know the story behind their pain. It’s been a stretching experience, but also one that has brought me into a deeper understanding of the person of Jesus. I’ve been continually reminded of the value and identity that God has placed on every single person, no matter their situation.

As I’ve been transitioning into the SW Campus Pastor role, I’m being stretched more than I have before. I’ve been learning new skills required for this role that I didn’t initially have, which has made me even more aware of my shortcomings—but at the same time, heightened my awareness of my need to daily submit to Jesus.

My excitement has also been growing as I have been able to spend more time with the SW staff team as well as get to know the volunteers on a deeper level. God has slowly been opening my eyes to see the things that are already happening and is increasing my excitement and anticipation of ways that He is going to move in the SW quadrant of Calgary.

My family and I are so excited to serve FAC Southwest. It’s a joy to be able to serve with the current staff team and volunteers. I’m excited to be a part of this vibrant, multi-ethnic expression of FAC.

As I look at the changing demographic of Calgary, how more nations are beginning to call this city their home, and the increasing expansion of the SW corner of Calgary, I’m convinced that God has placed FAC in the SW for this specific moment.

Lastly, I’m so grateful for the foundation that Pastor Jeff has laid. He has a tremendous gift of vision, tenacity, and creating clarity that kept and keeps the mission moving forward. It’s an honour to be under his leadership and to be able to learn from his experience and wisdom and to call him my friend.”

Written by Jeff Marshall and Carter Reimer 

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