Drive by Faith: The Webers
“We had driven past FAC so many times on our way to the army base, that we thought, ‘maybe it’d be a good place for the kids!’ We dropped them off a few times at first, and eventually, we decided to stay.”
Heather and Al Weber have been a part of the fabric of FAC for over 40 years, and it all started because of their daily commute from their home in Ogden to the army base in Currie. The two were married in Ontario in 1970, and shortly after their wedding, Al, an electrician in the Canadian forces, was posted to Germany.
Two years after living in Germany, their son, Grant, was born, and a couple of years after that, their daughter, Christie, joined the family. After five years in Germany, they came home to Canada and decided to live in Vernon, BC. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough work in Vernon to keep their family of four afloat, so Al made a few phone calls and within days had a job waiting for him in Calgary.
Every day, they would drive past FAC when it was located on Glenmore Trail. Heather’s aunt was a member of the Vernon Alliance Church, and so the Alliance was familiar to them, though they had never attended a service. Every time they drove by, they found themselves wondering if it might be a good idea to check it out, primarily for the kids. They began to take their kids to services on the weekends, and then leave during the service and pick them back up when the service was over.
“We dropped them off because we didn’t know if there would be anything there for us … but one day, we decided to stay. We went in and were quickly invited to a Bible class happening in one of the rooms. From there, we tried out a few different classes and eventually discovered one that resonated with us. It was taught by Bob Kinnie and it made the world of difference for us.”
Within a few days of each other, the Webers made the decision to follow Jesus. As they learned and grew in their faith, their lifestyles began to change, and they began incorporating Christian principles into their daily life. They read the bible regularly as a family and joined a family Bible study. The kids would go downstairs to play, while the parents discussed what they had been learning.
Now, many years later, Heather and Al Weber’s decision to call FAC their church home has made a lasting impact on people in their community and around the world. Their son, Grant, and his wife, Sandi, and their four kids, are currently serving as International Workers in Bali, Indonesia. Prior to that, Grant was a pastor serving on staff at FAC!
Thank you to the Webers for sharing a bit about their story and for their faithfulness to serve as a family, here and around the world! Curious about joining Jesus in sharing His love globally, and what that could look like? Check out Short-Term Missions!
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