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First here’s a really cool RELEVANT testimony of what happened last week:

Advisor (me) had a scheduled call with business client who imports and installs playground equipment. Client sounded terrible and turned out he had fever since 2:00 am. He hadn’t used any medication and felt like a punching bad – aching all over. Client had to work anyway as best possible because of workload. He had eaten very little but drank lot of water and coffee. He had been predominately working from the couch in his office. The call with the advisor was at  6:00 pm. They Prayed at 6:05 pm. His temperature was 103.5 (F). The conversation was all about the supply chain in China and the impact of Coronavirus in clients business. At 6:35 pm client noticed he was feeling better and temperature showed 99.1. At 7:05 pm temperature was 98.8. Client said he was “Feeling good! 80-90% pain gone. Just feels like it worked out. Feels like too much energy – feeling wired!” He then Walked into office next door and his wife exclaimed, “You look like a different person!” Business man went home and played with his kids.

Boom! That’s a good way to remember God has power over all disease. That’s the way I want to live my life – from a confidence of knowing that I serve the God who paid for every sickness and disease.

So how do I make a decision in the midst of all this? Do I just blindly travel or something else? Here’s my process:

1. Make the decision from faith not fear

First set your confidence and security on what does not move – Christ and His Kingdom. Become more aware of Him and His victory and dominion, than of the problem or pain. This is not avoidance; it is establishing perspective and priority.

I do this by remembering testimony. I vocalize gratitude for who God is and His influence in my life. I thank Him for His full and final victory over every disease and even over death. My eternity is secure.

2. Make the decision with stakeholders

I’m healthy. I eat healthy (mostly). I exercise. The virus is most dangerous for elderly and for infants and for people with health vulnerabilities. This means I am highly unlikely to be adversely affected… individually.

However, it’s not just my decision to make. I’m part of a family with a daughter who has health challenges. I’m part of a community that hosts students and events and guests from all over the world. What happens to me, affects those around me. I need to take that into consideration and be aware of my stakeholders.

3. Make the decision with facts

Faith is not ignorance or denial. It’s knowing the situation and confidently making a decision, regardless of what that decision may be.

The Center for Disease Control website has a ton of facts. My travel insurance policy and website has a ton of facts. My host in Europe has local facts. The media has a ton of fear. It doesn’t take a genius to ascertain where to find the reliable information.

4. So what will I do?

I don’t know yet. At this point I will be travelling unless there’s a major increase in disease where I am travelling and/or travel advisory warns against travel to my location. I have some alternative options. I have a plan. I am 100% in unity with my wife. I am confident. Regardless, this will work out for my good.

What about you?

How are you making your decisions? Where do you need to realign from faith to fear, or include other stakeholders, or seek facts rather than cheap opinions?

What will you decide?


Written by Andy Mason | March 2, 2020 | Faith and Work |

Listen to the podcast episode here.