Celebrating River Baptisms!

This past summer, we had the gift of celebrating river baptisms! Did you know that Jesus was also baptized in a river? Jesus’ river baptism in the Jordan marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. After emerging from the water, the heavens opened, and the Spirit of God descended upon Him like a dove, accompanied by a voice proclaiming, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy” (Matthew 3:17).

In July, our church community gathered by the river and celebrated with joy as 31 people declared their faith in Jesus through river baptism! Here are their stories:


“I grew in a mixed Christian family, either very faithful or very doubtful. Yet throughout my life, I have witnessed many miracles and the mercy of the Lord. Taking this step of river baptism seals my love and full trust in God.”


“I was always close to Jesus and I pray every day. I have a friend who I pray with at home or when we get together with them. I accepted Jesus in my life a long time ago.”


“I have been working hard to find Him and still working on having Him closer to me. I know that with Him everything else is easy.”


“My life was very anxiety-filled. I came to know Jesus from stories I heard from church. Jesus has made me feel not alone as well as safe and protected. I want to take the step of river baptism so God can protect me, along with someone to talk to or call to when I am worried.”

Psalm 50:15

Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.


“I was saved when I met my wife 7 years ago. When we met, she asked me to go to church with her and she shared the gospel with me. It was the best decision of my life to go. We moved to Mackenzie Town a few years ago and had children. We found FAC was close to us and have been attending for just over a year. I did an Alpha course later in the fall, and I found my spirit was engaged. I am an outdoorsy person, so the river baptism was a calling for me.”


“Two and a half years ago, He showed me that if I seek Him, I will find Him.”


“Jesus has been a constant presence in my life for my whole life. Our heavenly father has been a confidant and friend even during the times when I felt far away from Him. My grandfather helped me give my life to Christ when I was around 7, and I have been on a rollercoaster journey with Him ever since. There has never seemed to be a good time for me to be baptized until I started coming to FAC regularly.

The seeds were planted during the fall Women’s Bible study, and I have continued to grow in my mind through Alpha and through regularly attending FAC services. My family has been an amazing support system throughout my walk with Christ, but it is nice to have gained the support system and community I have at FAC. It is this season of my life that I feel most compelled, Spirit-led, and ready to make the public declaration through river baptism of giving my life to Christ even though I have been a Christian for many years.”



“I was in chaos with my family background, full of anger and frustration all the time. My mum was a gambler and smoker who made my family a mess. My father was full of anger, and my sister was addicted to drugs. I always felt pain in my heart, living in a family like that. Through Jesus, I could feel peace for the first time in my life. I feel peaceful and know everything is guided by Him. I can face everything with confidence right now.”

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.


“When Ellie was at school, her teacher taught her that she could take Him with her wherever she goes. Ellie accepted Him while at school. Jesus has brought love, joy, peace, and thankfulness into her life. Ellie enjoys reading the Bible and wants to be baptized for a pure heart.”

“My life was chaotic and unsettled. The turning point was when I prayed for my mom, and God healed her from a coma. Since moving to Mackenzie Towne and coming to FAC, my faith has grown. God allowed a relapse from my mental illness, and for the last year, I have been clinging to Him and getting stronger each day. God is leading me to take this fresh step. I was led to the Lord after attending a motivational Christian speaker who had an altar call. Jesus has helped me in every way, including encouraging me to trust that He is sovereign and He has my back.”

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


“I learned about Jesus through my parents and through Sunday School. I love Jesus as my personal saviour, to guide and protect me. I can do all things with God.”


“I want to be baptized to follow Jesus.”


“I was born in a Christian family. I did not realize that I was living on autopilot and I realized the only way I can make it is through Christ. As a result, I would love to give my life to Jesus.”


“I accepted Jesus when l was 10 years old. When l was 28 years, l started to really question the Bible, the Trinity—who really is Jesus to me? I am very glad l went on this journey of questioning because it brought me close to God. I was baptized as a child and very thankful to my mom that she made that step. But, l want to be able to make this personal decision, so today I chose to take the step of river baptism.

He provides me with peace that does not make sense. He provides wisdom and joy when there should be none. He has given me eternal life but also provides me with a beautiful life here. He saves me every day. He is my salvation.”

Psalm 32:8

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eyes on you.”


“I want to be baptized to follow Jesus.”

“As a young child, I attended church with my grandmother, and she brought me close to Jesus. I was baptized as a child but would love to make it my own choice.”


“I was focused on this world, career, marriage, etc. About 25 years ago, I accepted Jesus as my saviour, who died for our sins and gives us everlasting life. Many areas have greater purpose in my life, and one is serving others, thus serving the Lord. In all your ways, trust in the Lord, and He will set you free.”

“I was raised with Jesus at the center of our family, and my parents have always shown me what it means to be a follower of Jesus. As I have grown up, I have seen the many ways Jesus works in our lives and the lives of those around us. Especially in times of hurt and despair, God turns those painful moments into new beautiful chapters and beginnings in our lives. After 18 years of seeing those transformations in people’s lives as well as our own, and how every question I’ve asked points to an answer from Jesus, I have no doubts in my mind and want to take this step of river baptism to solidify my journey with God as an adult.”


“I had nothing to believe in to help me through difficult times in my life. I felt lost and hopeless. Since I was young and went through the struggles of the foster system, I have always had a hard time struggling with my mental health and feeling hopeless. I felt alone. Though my wife and children were supports through all the difficult times we have faced together, I felt like there was an invisible force that was pushing me through to help me get out on the other side of all the darkness.

There have been times when all seemed hopeless, and yet somehow we made it through, and there was no explanation. This resulted in faith in God and realizing that He will always be there for me. He has given me more hope in my life as I face all the struggles. I have something now to help me put my faith in to be able to face all the things that come at me. He has brought me joy and hope. He has made me want to be a better version of myself in every way that I can.


“Before I knew Jesus, I was hopeless about my future. I decided to know Jesus through my son, who started reading the Bible at the age of 15. I thought that I was old enough and had not read the most popular book in the world. I challenged myself that I should read the whole book before I die. At this point, I am already reading it for the second time, and I will not stop. He gave me the opportunity to redeem from my sins and being able to serve Him and His Father for the rest of my life is a blessing for me.”

Romans 11:36

“For from Him and through Him and for him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.”


“I believed in Jesus and prayed occasionally, but I did not have a deep connection or understanding of His love and grace. I lacked faith and trust in His plan for my life, and I struggled with doubts and fears about the future. It started when I met my husband and his family, who introduced me to the Christian church.

I began to attend the church services regularly, where I learned the true meaning of His sacrifice on the cross and the redemption He offers to all who believe in Him. I felt a stirring in my heart and a deep sense of peace and joy that I had never experienced before. The transformation He has brought into my life and the new sense of purpose and direction He has given me.”

Psalm 37:4

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.”


“I grew up in a Christian family and I gave my life to Jesus in middle school through scripture union in my school.”

“I grew up in a Christian home, attending church regularly with my family. However, it wasn’t until my teenage years that I truly began to understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus. During a challenging time in my life, I found myself seeking comfort and guidance in prayer and the Scriptures. This deepened my faith and led me to a transformative experience where I fully committed my life to Christ.

Since then, my life has changed significantly. I feel a sense of purpose and direction that I never had before. Jesus has given me strength in difficult times, and His love has taught me to be more compassionate toward others. I am grateful for the community of believers I have around me, and I want to publicly declare my faith through this river baptism.

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”




“I grew up in a Christian home, lived on a farm north of Edmonton surrounded by a faith-filled family. My dad got a new job in Calgary, we moved and I finished high school, then college here in Calgary. We attended FAC when we first moved. I was a member of the DiscoveryLand staff for a few years. During college, I questioned my faith and even explored other religions.

Recently, I searched for Jesus. I decided to actually read the Bible for myself not just grow up around it. I started with the book of John. Since then, I have been reading the word every night. I even attend church regularly again and thank the Lord. I truly feel changed; Jesus is Lord of my life. Thank the Lord for He has changed my desires. Jesus has changed my eyes.

I still struggle with the temptation but I no longer want to act or entertain those thoughts as I aim to turn to Jesus!”


“Before knowing Jesus, my life felt directionless and devoid of meaning. I navigated each day without a clear sense of purpose, weighed down by confusion and anger. Resentment was a constant companion, leaving me feeling isolated and lost. There was a profound emptiness that nothing seemed to fill; I struggled to understand my place in the world.

I came to know Jesus and decided to follow Him after the passing of my father. In my grief, I sought to understand the “whys” of life and to find peace amidst the pain. This journey led me to Jesus, where I found solace in His mercy and the profound sacrifice He made for us. Through understanding His love and compassion, I was moved to embrace His teachings and follow Him, finding the peace and purpose I had been searching for.

I now have a clear sense of direction and meaning. Jesus has filled my heart with peace, replacing the anger, confusion, and resentment I once carried. His love and teachings have guided me to live with compassion and understanding, helping me to navigate life’s challenges with faith and resilience. The emptiness I felt has been replaced with a deep, abiding joy and a renewed sense of hope. “

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”


“Born and raised in a Christian family in South Korea, I initially struggled to connect with my faith despite attending church and being baptized as an infant. It was not until miraculous healing in their 20s that I began to truly sense God’s presence and embrace faith. Witnessing the Holy Spirit’s work through my parents, who were ministers, my faith gradually deepened, leading me to experience God’s work firsthand.

This newfound faith my family and I to Calgary, where we found FAC. Now, after years of spiritual growth and a desire for a deeper connection with God, I desire to take the step of river baptism as a personal declaration of faith and commitment to Christ.


Era una vida sin sentido, llena de estres y ansiedad, desorganizada. Llegue a conocer a Jesus en una situacion en mi vida donde me acerque a El como mi unico refugio y El obra por mi.

Juan 13:14 y todo lo que pidan en mi nombre lo hare para que El Padre sea glorificado en el hijo, si algo pidiereis en mi nombre, yo lo hare.

Salmos 119: 33-34 Señor enseñame el camino de tus mandamientos y yo los seguire hasta el fin, dame entendimiento para obedecer tus enseñanzas y de todo Corazon yo lo cumplire. 

Each story reminds us that Jesus is still at work in our lives, guiding us, healing us, and calling us into deeper relationship with Him. We are grateful for God’s grace and the privilege to walk this journey together. Ready to get baptized? Let us know!

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