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Wasn’t it great to be part of celebrating baptism together again last weekend? A number of FAC folks were baptized in the weekend services August 14/15. While we’ve been able to find safe and creative ways for this important step in our journeys of faith to happen during the last 18 months, there’s nothing quite like being there in person! Here’s a bit of a taste of the stories of those who took this step this month.

Roozbeh Dezfuli

As I learned more about Jesus and the Bible through my friends in listening to their stories of how they found peace and love in Jesus I have now found that same love and inner serenity … ” Read more of Roozbeh’s story on our Facebook page.

Brandon Benoit


Before I knew Jesus, my life lacked structure and meaning. As I got older, I gradually came to know Jesus thanks to discussions with my family and friends. During the early years of my adulthood, I became overwhelmed trying to determine the course of my future. At some point, I realized that Jesus was the answer, and I decided to live my life for Him. Jesus has given my life direction and purpose.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105 NIV)


John Vanier

I accepted Jesus as my Saviour when I began searching for more understanding. Jesus has brought a peace & calm to my life.


Bernardo Andres Gutierrez

I experienced the love of God through my parents, brother, friends, and community, but didn’t understand the gift and the sacrifice that Jesus Christ did for me and my family.

I came to know Jesus after the passing of my first wife from an unexpected illness. After grasping for answers, Jesus presented Himself and took me through a healing path, helping me understanding why and answering my questions.

I have hope for a future and an eternity to enjoy because of His love and sacrifice. I recently remarried and currently building our new family with Jesus as the foundation, our rock.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1)


Chandler White

My parents are Christian, so I knew about Jesus all my life. Knowing about Him isn’t the same as knowing Him, though; it took some time for me to mature and understand more fully who He is. I’m still learning! My faith really became my own after some serious intellectual wrestling during my post-secondary education. Going to secular universities, many questions were asked of Christianity that I didn’t have convincing answers for. Thankfully, pastors and friends at FAC, and at Tenth Church in Vancouver, were open to discussing the big questions with me. I needed to reconcile my scientific vocation with my Christian faith. Pastor James recommended I look at the writings of Alister McGrath, who I later had the pleasure of meeting. I returned to following Jesus after I felt intellectually honest about my faith. This is not to say that I have all the answers – I’m still learning!

Jesus has provided meaning in my life. I particularly resonate with this quote from C.S. Lewis: “I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” That is, following Jesus has provided a framework in which I can make sense of life.

“‘… Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31 NIV)

With this Bible verse, I understand that I am to follow Jesus with all my being.

… The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (Galatians 5:6 NIV)


Nicole Myra

I have always believed in God but it is only when I look back at my life, I am reminded how He has always been there by my side and provided for me throughout my hardships, struggles and losses. God has provided in so many ways and has given me strength when I’ve been faced with very difficult life challenges.

Most recently, a silent tumour on my thymus gland (close to my heart) was inadvertently revealed after a lung scan for pneumonia. I am so very thankful God guided my surgeon’s hands to remove the tumour and all of the cancer. My life has been saved more than once. God saved me after being abducted by a serial rapist in 1991. It wasn’t just that I was saved from a worst fate, I was presented with the opportunity to catch the perpetrator during a profound series of events which enabled the police to locate, arrest, and convict this deranged man. Even something as basic as when I struggled with financial burdens and could not pay my mortgage, I received an expected cheque from the government.

I want and need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and wish to dedicate my life to Him. Baptism is very important as it is the missing piece.


Kenzie Wight

In DiscoveryLand (Grade 1-2) I accepted Jesus. I know that I am never alone and I can always talk to Him and rely on Him. I want to get baptized because I want to have Jesus in my heart forever and I know that in my heart Jesus died for my sins and rose again.

You are God’s chosen people, you are holy and dearly loved. So put on tender mercy and kindness as if they were your clothes. Don’t be proud; be gentle and patient. (Colossian 3:12)


Darrell Pecharsky

God and His Son Jesus Christ have given peace to my life.

Is baptism a step God is prompting you to take in your journey with Him? We’ll celebrate baptism again in the services September 18/19 … Find out more about what it looks like to be baptized at FAC!