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26 adults, 21 children, and 2 youth – that’s 49 people – publicly declared their trust in Jesus as their Saviour through baptism May 11/12! Baptism is a one-time step of obedience that shows others that you’ve accepted God’s invitation to belong to His family. Here’s some of their stories …

Tegan Spencer

Before I knew Jesus, life was hard; I was resentful and full of anger. I grew up in a home with a drug-addicted parent. My siblings and I moved between homes in foster care. We encountered many abusive foster homes especially towards my younger siblings. At the age of 9, I stopped going to school to care for my siblings. I was angry and troubled; I took to using drugs when I was 15 to escape my life. I would often steal from family and friends.

My life was a downward spiral until I saw forgiveness and love in the eyes and arms of one family. I saw Jesus in them I thank God every day for the new family He has blessed me with. If it weren’t for them and their loving, understanding care for others I would not be where I am today. Sometimes I still feel angry and resentful but the word of God is helping me to be better. Coming to this church and meeting wonderful people, hearing praise and God’s Word, seeing the effect He has on people, and feeling His light in each moment have helped me to come to know Jesus and helped me decide to live for Him. He showed me how God truly loves me, and how to love each and every one and to be thankful to be alive to learn on this journey to find peace within. My favourite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘They are plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

Benjamin Read

Benjamin started his faith when he began school at 4-5 years old. He accepted Jesus when he was 5.Benjamin feels Jesus has made a difference by helping him make better choices and to have his sins washed away. 1 Samuel 17 (David & Goliath) is his favourite Bible passage because the story means God can use anyone, even small people, for big things.

Christina Unruh

I accepted Jesus in my heart this year (2019). I want to be closer to God.

Noelle Gill

When I was six I accepted Jesus in my heart with my parents. Jesus has helped me to be kind and more helpful. I want to get baptized because I believe that Jesus died for me and I love Him. My favorite verse is Psalm 121.

Grady Schommer

I was 3 and in my mom’s truck when I accepted Jesus into my heart with a prayer. Jesus in my life is everything because life would be nothing without Him. I love God and couldn’t get my mind off being baptized while I was supposed to be doing school work. Luke 6:31: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

Lily Hernandez

I accepted Jesus, I prayed and asked Jesus into my heart, and I sang for Him. Jesus gave me more love and He helped me to understand that it is OK to be afraid.  I want to be baptized because I want to be in Jesus’ heart and I believe Him and I love and trust Him.  My favorite verse is 2 Peter 1:3: “God gives us the power to live a godly life.”

Jude Sawers

I accepted Jesus at 5 into my heart and then in grade 2 really felt Jesus stronger in my heart.  Jesus has helped me overcome fears. I want to be baptized because it feels like the right thing (inside) to do. My favourite scripture is Philippians 4:13: “In Christ I can do all things.”

Blake O’Brien

I want to get baptized because I want to be obedient to God and grow in my relationship with Him because I love Him.  My favorite Bible verse is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”

Keira Lowe

I accepted Jesus as my Saviour when I was 5. I prayed with my mom. The difference Jesus made in my life was I am never alone and I am loved. I want to be baptized to show God I am one of His followers. I also want to be obedient. My favourite verses are John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son and whoever believes in Him shall not parish, but have eternal life.” and Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him who have been called according to His purpose.”

Benjamin Zeck

I accepted Jesus when I was very young. I was at church with my mom and dad and I said a prayer to Jesus. I want to get baptized because I want to follow Jesus and do what He did.  My favourite story from the Bible is Samson from the book of Judges.

Tami Solola

I accepted Jesus by using the ABC prayer in DiscoveryLand and I accepted Him when I was about 7. He has helped my attitude and blessed me with so many good things. I want to get baptized because I want to be more like Jesus and follow His example. My favourite scripture is Psalm 119:11: “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.”

Mayah Blaine

I accepted Jesus on Christmas Eve when I was 4 or 5 years old. When I am scared I say this prayer and I feel better, “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, now and then may I awake and this I ask in Jesus sake. Amen.” I want to get baptized because it shows that Jesus takes over and I want everybody to know I have faith in Him. My favourite scripture is John 3:16.

Gregory Paterson

I have been introduced to Jesus a few times in my life but have always drifted away. I experienced some change several years ago during a difficult period in my marriage. It was then I was convinced that God was real. Recently, I have had many challenges but I have begun reading the Bible frequently and attending church. I feel I have been given some strength through daily prayer.

Dwayne Fletcher

I grew up in a Christian home with Bible study during summer months and going to church on Sundays. I accepted Jesus as a 10-year-old. Through my upbringing in a Christian home, knowing Jesus became like osmosis; it was always present to absorb. Growing up in a tough neighbourhood in NE Edmonton, having the belief in Jesus coupled with a strong Christian family, it became easier to make positive decisions in my life.

A favourite verse is James 4:8: “Draw close to God and God will draw close to you.” My reason for baptism at my age of almost 70 is that as a 10-year-old attending Delton Baptist Church in Edmonton, I was to be baptized on July 10, 1960. Unfortunately, our pastor became ill and over several months my baptism was postponed until our pastor returned. However, he didn’t return and time just went by and this baptism just didn’t get done – life happens!

Sofia Ezekiel  

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour since my parents told me about Him. Jesus changed me and He forgave my sins and He taught me how to forgive. I want to be baptized because I believe and I accepted Him as my Lord and Saviour. My favourite scripture is Psalm 56:4-7.

Pascal Kakozi

Jesus Christ is my Saviour. I accepted Jesus Christ to be my Lord and my Saviour since my parents taught me how good He is. Jesus Christ made a difference in my life. He changed me. I know how much He loves me and I can forgive because He has forgiven all my sins and I know how good He is. Also, I believe He is my Lord and Saviour and that is why I agree to follow Him. When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and understand who He is, you need to be baptized. My favourite verse is Isaiah 53:5.

Richard Kakozi

I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and I was looking for an opportunity to finalize that by baptism. I have accepted Him because I trust in Him. I have admitted that I am a sinner and believe He died on the cross for me.  Jesus has changed my life in many ways which include being more prayerful, answering my parents, protecting me, and making me look and act different from everyone else. I want to get baptized because I want to seal the bond between me and Jesus and involving Him in my life. My favourite scripture is Psalm 91 because God is my refuge and fortress and He will be with me no matter what problem I face.

Claire Glass

When I was 4 I was in DiscoveryCamp and I prayed that prayer to accept Jesus into my heart. Jesus showed me who I am as a child of God which helps me see how important everyone is to Him. I want to get baptized because I want to show others I believe in Christ Jesus. My favourite verse is Matthew 10:31: “So do not be afraid you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Leonardo Tenjo

I was raised in Colombia in a Catholic family. 4½ years ago I met my wife, Luz, who is a follower of Jesus and an evangelical Christian. This was the beginning of my journey to salvation as God showed His love for me so that I never felt alone and always felt at peace and under His protection. Through God’s love and the fellowship of other believers, I too became a follower of Jesus in every part of my life. Therefore, today in obedience to Jesus I’m being baptized to show the world my commitment to follow Jesus for the rest of my life and to share the good news with those who need to know Him. My favourite scripture is Isaiah 12:2: “Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.  The Lord, the Lord Himself, is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.”

Neil Parrett

My life before Jesus, I lived more of a self-centered lifestyle. I came to know Jesus over several years of coming to church and some events in my life, and my beautiful wife who led me to church. Jesus has made a difference in my life. I am learning more about the Bible and trying to be more selfless and try to listen more to the needs of others.

Jeremy Ho

My life before I knew Jesus was selfish and prideful. I came to know Jesus through my family and growing up seeing the examples of many great Christians. Jesus has made a difference in my life by showing me His faithfulness, love, and guidance in anything in my life and how to live for Him and others. Ephesians 2:8

Josephine Tse

My life lacked direction and was filled with confusion. My decisions were selfish and focused on my own gains. I was re-introduced to Jesus after starting to date Jeremy. He and his family prayed with me and from there my faith continued to grow day after day. Jesus has brought peace and clarity into my life. My perspective and heart has changed and I want to serve to Lord. We love because He loved us first.

Jeff Lammle

Before I knew Jesus my life was dark. My life was broken or falling apart and I just realized the only help and guidance could come from God. Now my path is clear. God has shown me what is important in life. Taking care of my family and living for them through His work and guiding them to follow Him.


Follow @faccalgary on Facebook or Instagram for more baptism photos from May 11/12!

Next Steps

Baptism is a one-time, public declaration that shows you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Want to know more about getting baptized? Contact Pastor Heather Brown, or join us for the Preparing for Baptism evening info session.\

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