Let’s Band Together. LEARN MORE

What Does It Mean to “Band Together”?

Ever had a group of friends who helped hold you together when life got tough? That’s what a discipleship band is—a small circle of people who come around you for support, prayer, and sometimes to remind you you’re not alone. Think of it like banding together with Jesus for life’s ups and downs.

Bands create a space where you can be honest about what’s really going on, share your burdens, and receive love and prayer. It’s not about getting advice or being told what to do; it’s about having a few people who listen, ask the hard questions, and help keep you grounded in your faith.

Find Your People, Band Togetherdiscipleship conversation

Pastor Carter Reimer shares how being part of a discipleship band is impacting him: “It’s not easy at first, but once someone takes that step and says, ‘Here’s something I don’t want anyone else to know,’ it encourages everyone else to open up. You realize the trust in the group grows, giving you the confidence to share more deeply. It’s made me more aware of my sin and also of Jesus’ forgiveness. Once you confess, your band member responds with, ‘Jesus forgives you.’ Experiencing that forgiveness through a friend is a beautiful thing.”

It’s true, it may be hard at first. No one wants to spill their secrets or struggles, but once the ice is broken—suddenly, you’re not just carrying your burdens alone. You’re doing life together, trusting one another, and pointing each other back to Jesus.

When Julie McPhail first heard about discipleship bands, she was curious but hesitant: “My first thought was, ‘Well, that sounds awkward, but I’ll give it a try!’ I was already meeting up with two other women for encouragement, so I figured inviting them to form a band with me might create more structure and accountability.”

When her band started meeting, the process felt a bit out of their comfort zone, “The questions aren’t exactly what comes up in a casual coffee chat!”. But over time, they began to open up, finding moments of raw honesty and the privilege of praying for one another. “We’re still figuring our groove for accountability, and we don’t meet as often as we’d like, but we’re trying out a weekly text check-in to keep the accountability going between our in-person meetings.”

One of Julie’s bandmates, Melissa, adds her perspective:

“When I was first invited to try out a discipleship band, I looked forward to getting to know the other two women more through regular conversations. It’s something that continues to grow and change as we spend more time together, but the journey with these women has been a blessing to me. What I really like about discipleship bands is that the questions quickly pull us into deeper conversations. These conversations aren’t the kind that typically happen spontaneously. It’s become a safe place to regularly share about my walk with Jesus, my victories and hardships, and to receive encouragement and prayer. I can already see how this group, along with the questions, has brought all 3 of us into deeper relationships with each other and with Christ.” 

Not all bands begin with deep conversations right away, though, and that’s okay. In Pastor Rosalind Coben‘s case, her band started off with a celebration. “The coolest thing about our band is that our very first meeting was at Forgetmenot Pond, where we helped Pastor Morgan Paulson, one of our band members, get engaged!” she recalls. “With a start like that, we’re bonded—er, banded—for life!”

Despite busy calendars, the group gathers whenever they can, strengthening trust and exploring deeper conversations.

“It’s been so good to get to know these girls on an intentional and deeper level.  I really appreciate the level of deep trust and care that we are building in this band. As a working mum and a student, I rarely get the time to reflect on how my soul is doing. But knowing that the band questions will be asked has caused me to pause and process my walk with Jesus more intentionally.”

It’s not just about getting together—it’s about creating meaningful, intentional moments where you stop and check in with your heart and soul. Creating an intentional space of grace, honesty, and encouragement with just a few other people at FAC is an opportunity to go deeper and be truly known as we join Jesus, together!

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