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A Friend’s Miracle, Our Strengthened Faith: Mudia & Misan’s Story

What is it like to experience a loved one being miraculously healed? Mudia describes what it was like to hear one of her best friends’ complete healing from cancer and Mudia’s daughter, Misan, reflects on how it encouraged her own faith.

Mudia: I have known Aubrey*, one of my best friends since I was 11. When we first met as children, we immediately became close. We were in high school together and we went to the same university. I was her maid of honour. She was one of my bridesmaids. Our children are also around the same age.

Our families have just known each other and grown over the years. She lives in the United States now. She moved in 2017 while we moved in 2019 here. Even when we lived far from each other, we pretty much did life together for a long time.

During the pandemic, right when lockdown started, I began joining online prayer through a church based in Nigeria. I first got connected through my sister, who kept sending me a link. From the very first day, I was intrigued. The prayer time began at 7 am Nigerian time, which is around midnight our time. After the prayer, we were invited to send out links to friends to join, and I would send the links to many of my friends, including Aubrey.

I also posted on my WhatsApp status, “What God cannot do does not exist. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing that God cannot do.”

Earlier this year, I was on my way to work when I received a call from Aubrey. She told me that she had been diagnosed with cancer the previous year. I was absolutely devastated, but she kept saying, “Oh, no, it’s a whole story. Just stay with me.”

Aubrey had a baby at the end of 2022. Around May 2023, she started experiencing pain in her breasts and went to the doctor. They diagnosed her with mastitis, a breastfeeding infection, and prescribed antibiotics and pain medication. However, the treatment didn’t seem to work, so she insisted on further tests.

They performed an MRI and discovered a cancerous growth in her breast. After further testing, they confirmed it was cancer.

They ordered a PET scan. She went back home, trying to deal with her emotions while caring for her baby. One day, she was crying, and her husband comforted her with the words, “There’s nothing impossible for God.” She had a lightbulb moment and realized she had heard or read those words somewhere before—on my WhatsApp status.

When she decided to start joining the online prayers, she reached out to ask about it and I noticed she had started connecting and would update her status with the daily declarations from the prayers. But, she never told me what she was going through.  She even posted the phrase “What God cannot do does not exist” on her status. When I first saw her updated WhatsApp status, I didn’t think much of it. I just assumed that, as adults, we all go through tough times in one way or another.

A week after she was diagnosed with cancer, her PET scan results came in, revealing that the cancer had spread to her pelvis, and lungs—everywhere. She described the PET scan showed she was “lit up like a Christmas tree”. The cancer was stage four. They told her she would need palliative care, advised her to prepare a power of attorney, and informed her that she might only have weeks to live. 

The doctor remarked that she didn’t seem worried, given the severity of the news, and she responded, “I’m not worried. I have a God that can do anything and everything, so I’ll be alright.”

The doctors said the chemo wouldn’t cure her; it would only make her a bit more comfortable until the end. She said she refused to accept the negative prognosis, and she and her husband decided to deal with it together. 

Because she had been connecting with those prayers daily, she reached a point where she was no longer scared. One morning during prayer, the pastor shared a declaration saying, “I see someone who was diagnosed with cancer this week and told it’s end-stage, but I want you to know that God says both the cancer and the spread are gone.”

She held on to that word, prayed with it, and her testimony came through. To God be the glory, she is now 100% cancer-free! I cried and sobbed during that call. Aubrey switched to a video call so I could see her. I could tell she had been through the worst of the worst, but she said, “I am fine now.”

As I started to imagine how she must have looked at her lowest, it broke my heart but her story strengthened my faith.

FAC: How did this experience affect your faith?

Mudia: It made me trust God even more. My faith grew. She’s one of the closest people to me who has ever been diagnosed with cancer, and it strengthened my belief that God can do anything.

With testimonies, for me, they’re faith builders. There’s nothing greater than hearing a testimony. It reassures you that what God has done for someone else, He can do for you too.

Misan: She was that one auntie who always gave me candy and was just always there for me. When I heard her story, I realized how different life would have been if not for God’s intervention. It really put into perspective Jehovah Rapha—the God who heals. Hearing stories like this, especially when they involve someone close to you, fills you with awe.

FAC: What advice or encouragement would you offer someone with a loved one going through a difficult time?

Misan: Keep your foot on the pedal—hold on to God’s hand. The moment you let go, everything can start to fall apart. But as long as you hold on, even if things don’t go your way, it’s still okay. God has a reason for everything, and His timing is always the best. If things went your way, they wouldn’t be as beautiful as they are when they go God’s way. So, keep holding His hand and let Him take the wheel.

Mudia: It says in Job 14:7-9 (NKJV):

“For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth, And its stump may die in the ground, Yet at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.

There’s no situation that is hopeless. It’s about laying everything at His feet. If God’s going to do it, “Thank You”. If not, “thank you”, because death isn’t the end—God is. God gives beauty for ashes. No matter how amazing or exciting our plans seem in our heads, God’s plan always trumps them and wins.

Testimonies are everywhere! There’s no hopeless situation—none.

*A pseudonym has been used for privacy and security reasons.

Thank you, Mudia and Misan, for sharing your story and for reminding us that God continues to heal today! Stories of God’s faithfulness are everywhere—are you ready to share yours? Let us know! 


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