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A Fresh Start: Celebrating Baptisms

If you’ve been around FAC for a while, you know we LOVE celebrating baptisms! On January 20/21, 2024, we celebrated with 11 people as they publicly demonstrated their faith in Jesus by taking this step. Every story is a glimpse into how Jesus is changing lives!

Jonathan Dow

“I grew up in a Christian home and always felt like a Christian. At the age of 14, in a church service, I felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me, telling me to commit my life to Christ. I felt as if a burden had been lifted, and I felt peace in tough times. I have always wanted to be baptized. This is the next step in my journey. I want to publicly state that it is my faith, not my parents’ faith.”

Lynda Wiebe

“After Years of generational dysfunction, trauma and addiction, I am breaking the cycle with the strength of Jesus. I know that by surrendering my life to Jesus as my Saviour, all things are possible. My baptism represents a fresh start!

Deeksha Anand

“I was spiritually awakened; however, before I knew Jesus Christ, my life was empty, and I was searching for answers. I am so thankful to have been guided to Christianity.

Many times, Lord Jesus Christ would be in my prayers, he truly showed up in the times when I truly needed him, when I was in need, I felt his reassurance in my prayers. He is truly my saviour and saviour for all of humanity. I truly wish to serve him forever.

Jesus Christ has shown me the ways of living my life in a truly Christian way, following his commandments, forgiveness, giving love to others and myself, helping people, and serving Jesus and the lord. He has shown me a new way of life: to serve him for the highest good.”

Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Matthew 22:37-40)

Royce Mazo

“I came to know Jesus by attending church services. Jesus helped me overcome various struggles that I have faced. He has forgiven me for things I would not have forgiven myself for and still loves me. I want to be baptized because I want to embark on a journey of Christ so that I can feel closer to him. I feel baptism is a step to get a deeper connection with the Lord.”

Wyatt Slone

“I struggled to find purpose, and my dad helped show me there was more to life. [Jesus] changed the way I think, the way I act, and how I perceive people and the world.”

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Omorinsola (Morin) Olowe

“When I lost a loved one, I told myself I do not want to die without living my life in Christ. Jesus started to commit more miracles in my life because I devoted my time to praying to him.

Matthew 5:9 made an impact on me. God blesses those people who make peace. They will be called his children. God blesses those people who are treated badly for doing right. They belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. I am ready to devote my life to Christ!

Autumn Day

“[Before Jesus, I had] lots of intrusive anxiety, worry, stress, shame, guilt, but I was overall okay, fairly happy. However, I was never living in the moment, and always in the future and carrying many regrets [from my past]. I avoided confronting the ways I needed to begin healing and better myself.

I have always known Jesus. I was a firm believer, even before accepting Jesus and the Bible. I fought many times with many people that Jesus was here, and he died and came back. I just was not aware or equipped to realize that that very belief meant I should accept him and start living my life with him beside me. He was a concept I believed in, but didn’t truly accept into daily or personal existence.

Jesus has alleviated many of my personal biases towards people and their actions. I have a new passion for helping those I thought I’d never be emotionally mature enough to see as people who deserve help. I still have struggles and lots of healing I just do but carrying it feels much lighter now and bearable.”

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19: 14)

Kelly Ortiz

“To be blatant about [my faith], I find it to be still quite lukewarm. One foot in His Word and the other with the world. The constant struggle spiritually, like any other. I can’t say before as I grew up in the church, which was fairly young, but what I know is ‘how’ He has been present in my life during my life’s tribulations. I know that the enemy, since young, has been on my radar and tried to attack me spiritually/physically through others – to damage me to a degree upon my growth. Within my life, I had only known from people – the negative parts of them, especially from those who claimed to love me. Always, I did have Jesus within me so, I hadn’t ever lost myself completely. However, there had been one thing that the enemy slightly won over in the way that he made me believe that I was ‘unworthy.’ This has been one factor of my life for ages because I believed in this too. It has only been recently that I have finally found that I am truly worthy, and that is a grand thanks to my Heavenly Father. He provides for the fatherless always.

I came to know Jesus when I was little. I grew up in a church in Vancouver when I was introduced at 5 or 6 years old. Ever since then, a seed had been planted, and I loved that church. Still, to this day, it is my safe haven. The classes and being a part of the dramas and choir always had me invested. A snippet, but even though outside of the church, I had been dealing with abuse, Jesus I knew was with me. The church was my safe haven, but even outside of the church, I was still able to be me and provide things with love. That is Jesus. How could I not want to follow Him further? He provided peace within me.

Oh my, what Jesus has done … none other can do. There is such a tranquil essence within me now, more so than ever before. Things from before don’t bother me as such, and He has saved me countless number times that I truly find I did not deserve, but now my mindset is set on how to repay His goodness. With utter obedience to Him, and why baptism is one.

Another major [way] I know Jesus is ever-so-present is the number of prayers answered and the people He now surrounds me with. The understanding of true forgiveness unto others, especially to the ones who had hurt me along my journey of growth.

John 3:16 will always be a top-tier verse for me:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life “

Sophia Zane Masonsong

“I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour during Summer Camp last year (July 6, 2023). The difference Jesus made in my life is I show more love to my family and the people around me every day. I want to get baptized because I want to let everyone know about my faith, and surrendering my life to Jesus is the best thing I can do.

My favourite bible verse is Mark 12:30: “Love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.”

Daniel Hong

“I started going to church when I was just a baby, so I always had Jesus in my mind, even as a small child. The scriptures raised me as a child alongside my mom and dad.

My mom and dad are dedicated Christians who always believed in God and Jesus, and now they want us, their children, to follow their path of believing in Jesus so we can all meet in Heaven. They told us that our names are based on bible characters.

When I was about 8 years old, I didn’t know what to do in my life, what to accomplish, what to achieve, what my goals were. Then, when I went to church, my pastor told us that sometimes you can’t decide what to do in life. That is whey you have friends and family, but you also have God and Jesus to support you. I realized I didn’t have to decide immediately; I just needed to focus on what was happening in that moment. I started praying to God more; he helped me a lot, and that’s how I decided that I would live for Jesus and listen to his teachings every Sunday.

Jesus reminds me what will happen if I keep believing him. He shows me a passage that no one else has gone through except for the ones who believe him. He showed me words of wisdom so I can keep myself safe.

“When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and deliver them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34, 17:18)

This has always been such a beautiful verse to me. I always know the Lord is with me; now, when I pray to him, he listens. When I show emotion, I know that God is comforting me and always knows the reasons for my emotions. He lets me calm down and think rather than emotions blinding me.

I want to be baptized to be closer to Jesus and God’s word, knowing that I have made a choice to be baptized and that God is always with me.”

Kenzie Hystad

“I prayed in Discoveryland and asked Jesus into my heart when I was 5 years old. I feel very safe with Jesus. I love Jesus, and I want to show it!”

Baptism is a one-time step of obedience that demonstrates you’re “all in” when it comes to following the way of Jesus. If you haven’t taken this step in your faith journey yet, good news -  it’s never too late. Learn more about baptism at FAC.

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