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Renewing the world with the hope of Jesus

As part of The Alliance Canada, we’re committed to joining Jesus’ mission to renew the world with His love, focusing on areas where others are least likely to hear about Him.

2025 Short-Term Missions

Short-term mission trips through FAC vary in focus and location, but we always go with the posture of learning. We go to serve alongside local churches and ministries to learn about what God is already doing in the country. Experience God’s heart for all nations and be cross-culturally exposed to God’s kingdom! Get involved by praying, financially giving, or applying to join an upcoming team:

  • April 9-25: Ghana (6-8 adults) *FULL*
  • May 21-June 5: Cambodia (10 adults and teens 16 yrs.+) *inquire re. spots*
  • July 25-August 3: Colombia (10 adults and children 10 yrs.+) *3 spots available*

Supporting Long-Term Missions

Another way you can support sharing the hope and love of Jesus globally is by giving to FAC’s Mission Fund. This fund supports Alliance global projects and International Workers, like …

Anna Sinclair – Mexico

Anna is part of a team that serves the Huichol and Otimi people groups in Mexico City“I long to see resilient communities living from a position of abundance. Consumed by the Great Commandment, compelled by the Great Commission, completing our Kingdom calling. In every effort, guiding people to be a transforming presence among the least-reached.”

Jerome & Morgan – South Asia

Serving with local partners to reach those without access to the gospel. This is done through building relationships with locals, justice initiatives, church planting, mentorship programs, and biblical training centers.

Want to join Jesus in His mission to renew the world? Contact Pastor Briana Southerland to explore getting involved long-term or supporting the International Workers we partner with!

Fuel God’s mission around the world through FAC

Giving to the FAC Mission Fund supports building lives that honour God through our long-term International Workers, global partnerships, and disaster relief efforts through The Alliance Canada.

Give Now

We’ll take your empty bottles!

We’ve partnered with SkipTheDepot to support FAC’s short-term mission trips; a door-to-door bottle collection service that makes refundable recycling and fundraising easier than 1,2,3:

Your refund will directly support upcoming short-term mission teams.

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)


... the team FAC sent to Bogotá, Colombia have represented the church well and above all have represented the Lord by pouring His love into the hearts of many boys, girls, and youth in this great city.

Paul & Lineth, Inca Link