Fall Kick-Off Party is Sept. 7/8!

Work For

  • January 19/20
  • Series: Resolve
  • Information
  • Interaction
  • Resources
  • Bible

What are we talking about?

Do you know where you’re going? Is the destination in your sights, your eye on the prize? Detours happen, and they can work for us or against us … They can get us closer to where we originally wanted to get to, or they can distract us. It’s all about focusing on the direction our steps are really taking us … and remembering every step takes us somewhere.

In your dream of the ideal life, are you more like a pioneer – always pushing on OR a settler – settling down type?

See full discussion guide

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This Weekend's Scriptures...


Philippians 3:0-


Leviticus 19:28


Leviticus 19:27


Romans 3:19-20


Galatians 3:24